Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Home Alone

I've read a few postings from people about how they are dealing with being confined in there homes with their families. How to keep their kids busy and about how to deal with working for home. 

Not seeing as much on how to spend these days with no one but yourself. (nothing personal Olivia) I know many people live alone, and these days will test our strength. I am lucky that I don’t have to look too hard to find plenty of things to fill my days. At the beginning of “stay at home”  I did go threw a lot of anxiety. It overcame my daily life. As the weeks passed it did become a little easier. I'll admit of being afraid of getting sick. So staying in most of the time is best for me. 

I can't say "My house is cleaner than it's ever been", or I've completed several long term projects. I seem to be just floating threw my days with no firm plans each morning of what I will do. I figure it's ok for now. Etsy sales are very low and I understand that so the need to make more jewelry is gone. Now I just fiddle around and play with it when I want that creative outlet. 

"Is it over?"
watercolor pencil, ink

I have also been drawing a lot. That really takes my mind off everything and keeps me from wandering off into worries that can’t be fixed by thinking about them. Keeping my mind busy is my best direction. 

Craft Droid 
watercolor pencil, ink

watercolor pencil, ink

Of course I’ve been watching a lot of tv. I draw while I’m watching some shows, but I can’t get a lot done while watching a really good show I’ve not seen, like the Mandalorian. I’m sure watching this will create even more interesting drawings. Several of the creatures and aliens are on my list to draw already and I’ve just started the series. 

Do what makes you happy and try to stay at peace. 

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