Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Getting Stuck Inside Your Creativity

Yesterday Jack came over and we spent a good while sitting at the kitchen table playing with polymer clay. Jack makes sculptures and I mostly make elements for my jewelry. I’ve played around with polymer clay for years but have never put a lot of time into learning new techniques. I do see wonderful things created on Pinterest that I would love to know how they are done. It’s one of my jewelry tools along with metal work and wire wrapping. I really need to increase my skills in all of these. 

This is one of my favorite things to do with clay 
is create these "Royce Rocks". 
They are my faux stones I often use in my jewelry. 

Several new clay molds came in the mail this week and I'm looking forward to using these. I've never used molds before. 

I’ve taken almost no classes, which I often regret. I’ve always thought of jewelry as a hobby and didn’t want to invest a lot of money into it. I understand now that this was a mistake. I have learned a lot on my own but sometimes you just need to peek inside someone else's creativity to get a new edge to your craft. 

So I want to set aside time for just practicing techniques. I’ve all but stopped putting metal into my jewelry. Not really sure how or why this came about. It takes time for me to work new things into a routine, but I must make time to hone those skills. 

I have become a bit bored with what I am making and that’s not good at all. I have a hard time making multiples of a piece, but making everything unique slows me down. I’d like to find a middle ground. 

I have a lot to work on. I have plenty of time and materials. Now to just push myself to do what I need to do. I’m sure after I get started and make a few things I’m proud of I’ll feel more enthusiasm to work more and push myself more. 

My sewing machine is back from the repair shop and now that it’s home and in it’s new area I look forward to getting back into quilting and fiber arts. I really enjoyed that and want to bring it back into my life. 

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